Savings with Style!

Start Saving with Style with Southern Coupon Belle! I'm now COUPONING IN CoMo!
What happens when a Coupon Expert in one region of the USA moves to another area of the country? I have started over learning new stores, coupon policies and building a reasonable stock pile and savings routine from scratch since October 1, 2011. I was an expert in Atlanta and the South but now happily reside in Columbia, Missouri!

I've searched other blogs and sites but I can't find someone else in my shoes so hopefully reading how I started over can help you! Whether you are a seasoned couponer in a new area OR a beginner- I know I can help walk you through what to do and help you start saving big! Starting over has made me realize how newbies to coupons feel and made me walk a grocery store aisle or two in a beginner's shoes again! Email me at and let me know how I can help! Thanks for reading and taking this journey with me!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

CVS Deals this week!

Great deals with Extra Care Bucks and using coupons. Read tomorrow CVS 101 that I plan to post.

Skintimate Dry Skin or Extra Gentle Moisturizing Cream Shave
FREE after $3.49 ECB
Oval or Rectangle Bamboo Baskets
FREE after $1.99 ECB on Sunday and Monday only. Limit 2
CVS Batteries- BOGO Prices Vary
Nivea A Kiss of Moisture
BOGO and assumes you have 2 coupons since you have to buy 2.
Sale Price: Starts at $2.99 Coupon: 2/8RP Final Price: .50 or 83% off
Glade Air Freshener 9 oz.
Sale Price: .99 Coupon: 3/15S Final Price: .50 or 67% off
Schick Intuition Plus Razor Kit or 3 count cartridges
BOGO assumes you have 2 coupons
Sale Price: $5.00 Coupon: 3/22S Final Price: $1.00 or 90% off
Colgate MaxWhite or MaxFresh Toothpaste
Final Price with coupon on 3/29S is .24 after $2.00 ECB
Pringles Potato Crisps (excludes Fat Free and Select)
Sale Price: .88 Coupon: 4/5PG Must buy 2 Final Price: .38 or 79% off

If you bought all these items, you would pay $13.99 out of pocket if you don't have ECBs to roll and save 76%. You would also have almost $7.00 in ECBS to use on your next shop. Or put these deals into smaller shops and roll your ECBs this week. Like I said- CVS 101 is tomorrow. I'll show you how to roll ECBs!

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