Savings with Style!

Start Saving with Style with Southern Coupon Belle! I'm now COUPONING IN CoMo!
What happens when a Coupon Expert in one region of the USA moves to another area of the country? I have started over learning new stores, coupon policies and building a reasonable stock pile and savings routine from scratch since October 1, 2011. I was an expert in Atlanta and the South but now happily reside in Columbia, Missouri!

I've searched other blogs and sites but I can't find someone else in my shoes so hopefully reading how I started over can help you! Whether you are a seasoned couponer in a new area OR a beginner- I know I can help walk you through what to do and help you start saving big! Starting over has made me realize how newbies to coupons feel and made me walk a grocery store aisle or two in a beginner's shoes again! Email me at and let me know how I can help! Thanks for reading and taking this journey with me!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

One of my favorite sites

Hopefully, you've got a garden coming and we are yielding a ton of veggies from the garden we helped plant at my in-laws. I decided to can this year and I forgot how easy it is!! And I've made a goal that I will try to utilize our harvest and don't let things go to waste.

I love! You can search for anything and I have found some of the best recipes. One thing I love is the 5 star rating and the ability to read reviews. The reviews are great because posters add their suggestions, changes and additions to each recipe.

I haven't canned in years because one year I put all this effort into making pickles. I stored my many jars and they were mush! This week I found a recipe on this website and learned the secret- ice water bath for the cucumbers for at least 2 hours. They turned out perfect! (so far) It's really not hard, you don't need a pressure cooker for things like pickles and relish. Just make sure you sanitize the jars, wipe the rim of the jar off before placing the lid and boil the lids right before placing on the jar. The heat of the contents or brine plus the heat of the lid will seal the can. Once the lid is on the jar, put the ring on and tighten as hard as you can. And if canning intimidates you- there are some great icebox pickle recipes and recipes for bread like zucchini bread. Super easy and the girls loved it this week.

Garden harvest is one of my favorite things about summer. There's nothing better than a tomato sandwich and fresh veggies. The best thing... no buying commercial produce at the grocery store!

1 comment:

Prohomemaker.Com said...

I love! Just used it yesterday when I made Beef Burgundy (or in my case, Beef Cabernet. :-)

The "ingredient" search on the top is a great tool, because you can input what you have in terms of ingredients and it will match recipes, then I sort by rating and voila, the top recipes.

BTW, there are so few 5 stars so I will definitely consider 4.5 ones. People rate all kinds of ways, and then there is always one dodo who wrecks it by rating 1, driing the recipe down. That's at least what I have found. -- great tip for your readers!