Savings with Style!

Start Saving with Style with Southern Coupon Belle! I'm now COUPONING IN CoMo!
What happens when a Coupon Expert in one region of the USA moves to another area of the country? I have started over learning new stores, coupon policies and building a reasonable stock pile and savings routine from scratch since October 1, 2011. I was an expert in Atlanta and the South but now happily reside in Columbia, Missouri!

I've searched other blogs and sites but I can't find someone else in my shoes so hopefully reading how I started over can help you! Whether you are a seasoned couponer in a new area OR a beginner- I know I can help walk you through what to do and help you start saving big! Starting over has made me realize how newbies to coupons feel and made me walk a grocery store aisle or two in a beginner's shoes again! Email me at and let me know how I can help! Thanks for reading and taking this journey with me!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hot Deals at Publix this week 1/15-1/21

Here's what my list for Publix looks like this week!

In-Ad coupon: Purchase (2) 64 oz Bottles of Ocean Spray Grapefruit Juice and get (1) 5lb bag of red grapefruit.
There's a $1.00 off (1) Ocean Spray Grapefruit Juice in 1/11 Red Plum Insert

Motts 100% Apple Juice or Motts for Tots, Plus Kids Health or Plus Light- 64 oz Bottle. B1G1F
There is a $1.00 off (1) on the 12/07 SmartSource
Sale Price is $1.48 so final price is .48 or 84% off

Betty Crocker Premium Muffin Mix B1G1F
There is a .40 off (1) in the 12/14 SmartSource
Sale price is $1.30 so final price is .50 or 81% off

Lysol All Purpose Trigger Spray Cleaner 32oz bottle or Antibacterial Kitchen 22oz B1G1F
There is a $1.00 off (1) in the 1/4 SmartSource 2
Sale price is $1.35 so final price is .35 or 87% off

So assuming the Ocean Spray will be around $2 each, I will get 2 bottles
5 lb red grapefruit
3 Motts Apple Juice
3 Betty Crocker Muffin Mixes
7 Lysol Cleaners

Total: 20 items for approximately just under $10.00.
That's my Publix list for this week. And if I wait until Sunday or Monday- I'll get the penny item which is rumored to be milk this coming weekend. That's one of the better penny items.

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