Savings with Style!

Start Saving with Style with Southern Coupon Belle! I'm now COUPONING IN CoMo!
What happens when a Coupon Expert in one region of the USA moves to another area of the country? I have started over learning new stores, coupon policies and building a reasonable stock pile and savings routine from scratch since October 1, 2011. I was an expert in Atlanta and the South but now happily reside in Columbia, Missouri!

I've searched other blogs and sites but I can't find someone else in my shoes so hopefully reading how I started over can help you! Whether you are a seasoned couponer in a new area OR a beginner- I know I can help walk you through what to do and help you start saving big! Starting over has made me realize how newbies to coupons feel and made me walk a grocery store aisle or two in a beginner's shoes again! Email me at and let me know how I can help! Thanks for reading and taking this journey with me!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I need your help!

Hey Everyone-
Next Wednesday I have my first speaking engagement about Couponing and Saving Money.
I would love it if you would comment about what you think I should talk about. What would you want to know more about if you were sitting there listening to me?

Thanks for your help!


Anonymous said...

Actually, I'm so new to this, can I come to your speaking engagement on next Wednesday??? :)

You explained to me how prescription coupons work and I have been able to use them twice. Once at Kroger and they loaded $25.00 to my KrogerPlus card and another time at Walgreens for a $25.00 gift card.

How do you organize your coupons so you don't overlook any? I have my coupons organized by the month that they expire.

And BTW, thank you for your help, Traci! You have given me the tools to help our family save money!

Traci said...

Unfortunately, you can't come- it's for the Preschool staff at a church in Cumming. I am planning to put a presentation together so once I have it done- send me an email and I can forward to you. My email is

Holly said...

Okay...the staff says they want to know how to even really get into the whole coupon process. They know where to find them in the paper and such, but they don't understand how to put them together to get the bigger deals. Hope that me with any other info you need before then!

Jennifer Vorhies said...

I have clipped coupons off and on for the past 5 years. I originally started with " The Grocery Game" which charges you a fee. Tracy told me about coupon mom and I have used it with much success. It's so user friendly and there are more than just coupons. Tracy's blog, "Southern Coupon Belle", is great. Tracy doesn't just give me ideas on saving money but she actually shops and shows you the savings. It's not just in theory! Tracy lives what she teaches and thats the best testimony. She posts savings on a wide variety of products. I also love the fact the she reviews that new products.
I check her blog about every 2-3 days to check on new savings. The nice thing about that is it puts you in a savings frame of mind. I now always search for the best deals and have saved quite a bit of money.
I saved $20 at Walmart yesterday. I don't feel like I have to save 90% of the receipt to be successful. If I save $20 each time I go shopping that's $100 a month and that's gymnastics for my children for the month. Also, the more you do it the better you get at it. The filing system Tracy uses is the way to go. It saves tons of time and I only purchase items I normally use. It's free money. Why not take advantage of it!